How to add an image to a particular task. (Step By Step)
1. Click on a preferred list. To give you an idea, let's choose the list Office Team here.
2. Click on the task to go to the task detail screen
3. Click the attachment icon that is marked in the screenshot below
4. Select the option of your choice from where you want to add an image.
5. Click on the image you want to add to the task
6. Your selected image will be uploaded to the comment section as shown below
If you're using the web browser, then you can upload an image by following simple steps:
1. Select the appropriate list and click on the task in which you want to add an image/ images.
2. Click on the paper pin icon.
3. Click on Choose File.
4. Select the appropriate image and Click on Submit.
5. That's it; your image will be added.